Monday, December 10, 2018

Lee Finds A Journal

Lee's Story:

I just found my old diary from 2007. What a trip down memory lane it was to read it.

The journal covered my journey from Ridgeback to Paragon City and my work as a hero in the city. There are also copies of letters and emails I sent to family and friends.

The diary ends with me arriving back in Ridgeback to attend a funeral. The rest of the diary was damaged when I returned to Paragon City. A bottle of conditioner or shampoo leaked and flooded my suitcase. Even heroes deal with normal crappy things.

I wish the later entries had been readable but I would have probably found them as embarrassing as the ones I read.

I was a horny teenage hero trying to fit into an adult world. Many of the diary entries are me mooning over guys like Pookstein and wondering how I would come out to my family (I told them the day after the funeral).

I have kept several journals since then but none were like that first diary. Most entries were short records of missions and current events.

What would that 15 year old have written about me moving in with Gromar, the destruction of Galaxy City, or Project Zero? I don't know but it would be an interesting read.

Eleven years is a long time - especially when it involves the transition from a teen to an adult. It's even longer when it involves abandoning your world for a safer dimension.

I can't go back to being the boy I was but I can enjoy my old journals.

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