Saturday, September 29, 2007

Battle Royale

Gromar's Story:

I was going to a mission in Crey's Folly and met a horde of Freakshow as I hovered down to the mission entrance. They were tough but I defeated them. Freaks just need a a bit more convincing than other criminals.

When I finished the mission I decided to check out a historic site. I just started to read when I heard a shout and nine or ten Freaks came barreling around the corner of a ruined building. They surrounded me and I put my Whirling Axe skill to good use. There were Freaks flying everywhere.

During the fight I was thankful for another skill I have that transfers energy from my foes to me. I stayed fresh while they were stumbling with exhaustion. This is probably why I survived and they didn't.

I met with my contact and gave my report then went and sold confiscated salvage. I couldn't relax so I headed to Eden to check out historic sites.

I should have known things would happen because the zone is still "hot" for me. My visit was uneventful until I remembered there was an "unofficial" bounty on Paragon Protectors. I decided to hunt.

I searched out individuals or small groups and 'interrogated' them. If they attacked me they would be committing an offense and I could arrest them. (Of course arresting anyone while using a battle axe doesn't leave much to send to jail.) Protectors are very aggressive and arrogant. They all attacked me.

If I found a Protector in a large group I would taunt him and fly to the top of a building and fight him there. This kept the rest of the thugs away. This worked well for a couple of fights.

I decided to defeat one last Protector before heading home. I found one who looked about as tough as me but he was surrounded by about 10 Crey and a few Nemesis soldiers. I taunted him and went to a nearby rooftop. He followed and we proceeded to fight.

I hadn't seen a small hill beside the building and the others used it to get to the rooftop. Suddenly I was surrounded just as I had been in Crey's Folly. What followed was a long fight that consisted of defeat one thug, drive the rest back with Whirling Axe, steal energy, and repeat the process. Things got even more complicated when I knocked the Protector into a group of Devouring Earth.

Eventually I was the only one standing. I headed for the Founder's Falls gate and flew high to avoid any other confrontations. I wasn't seriously injured and wasn't as tense as before. I knew I would have a good sleep.

Gromar fighting the last of the Crey and Devouring Earth.


Gromar is my level 37 Ice/Battle-Axe Tanker.

"Bounty" - characters can earn badges for defeating large numbers of enemies.

"Historic Sites" - plaques that are needed for history badges.

"Hot" - areas where there are enemies that will attack your character. Enemies don't usually attack heroes five levels above their level unless provoked.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tsoo Idol

Stocker studies a Tsoo idol during a mission.

Kid Strikes A Pose

Kid Freak poses for a photographer in Galaxy City.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Gromar And Lusca

Gromar hovers over a ship that some of his teammates are on. He is covered in ice armor. The black mist is something cast by another character.

The team decided not to hunt Lusca that day.

Lusca At Sunset

Corvalis hovers in the air and catches his first look at Lusca. The giant octopus Lusca is a regular visitor to the harbour of Independence Port.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lee Sends A Letter


Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for sending the newspaper clip about me. I hadn't seen that one. And thanks for your kind words they made me feel good. I know you think I'm too young to be doing this but I know I have to be here.

I made Security Level 10 today! I am out of probation and am getting more important missions already. I'll owe hospital fees (we call them "debt") if I am defeated but I can handle that. The medical facilities here are amazing and we heroes are teleported to them when we get hurt. Don't worry Mom I haven't even got any scars! :)

I am renting a small bachelor suite at the Hotel Geneva. It's clean and reasonably priced - and close to the transit station in Galaxy City.

I am taking courses at a local college in my spare time so I can finish high school. They are going well.

I am doing okay for money too. I get paid for completing missions and I can sell anything I confiscate from criminals. I sold one item for $50,000!! at a consignment place called Wentworth's.

I'll try phoning tonight.

Love, Lee


Lee is the first name of my hero Bubblegummer.

Defeat and Debt: When a hero is defeated he can be revived by others, use a self revival inspiration or skill, or get teleported to a hospital (or base). There is no debt (50% of experience) until level 10. For the purposes of my fiction debt will be explained as some type of user fee.


Hero Blog is a City Of Heroes/City Of Villains fan-blog. It is both a fiction blog and a gaming blog and the format will reflect this. Most posts will have some combination of a story, tactics, and/or notes. I'll try to avoid any spoilers in the posts but I can't promise anything.

This is a fan-site and is not an official blog/website sanctioned by NCSoft or Cryptic Studios. The ideas presented are my own or what I learned while playing the game.

This blog is licensed with a Creative Commons license. Please let me know if you plan want to use anything.

Dedication: This blog is for my friend Tor who introduced me to the game. It's also dedicated to the members of Safe Harbor for making me feel welcome and for some great teaming.