I was going to a mission in Crey's Folly and met a horde of Freakshow as I hovered down to the mission entrance. They were tough but I defeated them. Freaks just need a a bit more convincing than other criminals.
When I finished the mission I decided to check out a historic site. I just started to read when I heard a shout and nine or ten Freaks came barreling around the corner of a ruined building. They surrounded me and I put my Whirling Axe skill to good use. There were Freaks flying everywhere.
During the fight I was thankful for another skill I have that transfers energy from my foes to me. I stayed fresh while they were stumbling with exhaustion. This is probably why I survived and they didn't.
I met with my contact and gave my report then went and sold confiscated salvage. I couldn't relax so I headed to Eden to check out historic sites.
I should have known things would happen because the zone is still "hot" for me. My visit was uneventful until I remembered there was an "unofficial" bounty on Paragon Protectors. I decided to hunt.
I searched out individuals or small groups and 'interrogated' them. If they attacked me they would be committing an offense and I could arrest them. (Of course arresting anyone while using a battle axe doesn't leave much to send to jail.) Protectors are very aggressive and arrogant. They all attacked me.
If I found a Protector in a large group I would taunt him and fly to the top of a building and fight him there. This kept the rest of the thugs away. This worked well for a couple of fights.
I decided to defeat one last Protector before heading home. I found one who looked about as tough as me but he was surrounded by about 10 Crey and a few Nemesis soldiers. I taunted him and went to a nearby rooftop. He followed and we proceeded to fight.
I hadn't seen a small hill beside the building and the others used it to get to the rooftop. Suddenly I was surrounded just as I had been in Crey's Folly. What followed was a long fight that consisted of defeat one thug, drive the rest back with Whirling Axe, steal energy, and repeat the process. Things got even more complicated when I knocked the Protector into a group of Devouring Earth.
Eventually I was the only one standing. I headed for the Founder's Falls gate and flew high to avoid any other confrontations. I wasn't seriously injured and wasn't as tense as before. I knew I would have a good sleep.

Gromar fighting the last of the Crey and Devouring Earth.
Gromar is my level 37 Ice/Battle-Axe Tanker.
"Bounty" - characters can earn badges for defeating large numbers of enemies.
"Historic Sites" - plaques that are needed for history badges.
"Hot" - areas where there are enemies that will attack your character. Enemies don't usually attack heroes five levels above their level unless provoked.
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