Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lee Sends A Letter


Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for sending the newspaper clip about me. I hadn't seen that one. And thanks for your kind words they made me feel good. I know you think I'm too young to be doing this but I know I have to be here.

I made Security Level 10 today! I am out of probation and am getting more important missions already. I'll owe hospital fees (we call them "debt") if I am defeated but I can handle that. The medical facilities here are amazing and we heroes are teleported to them when we get hurt. Don't worry Mom I haven't even got any scars! :)

I am renting a small bachelor suite at the Hotel Geneva. It's clean and reasonably priced - and close to the transit station in Galaxy City.

I am taking courses at a local college in my spare time so I can finish high school. They are going well.

I am doing okay for money too. I get paid for completing missions and I can sell anything I confiscate from criminals. I sold one item for $50,000!! at a consignment place called Wentworth's.

I'll try phoning tonight.

Love, Lee


Lee is the first name of my hero Bubblegummer.

Defeat and Debt: When a hero is defeated he can be revived by others, use a self revival inspiration or skill, or get teleported to a hospital (or base). There is no debt (50% of experience) until level 10. For the purposes of my fiction debt will be explained as some type of user fee.

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